Sunday, November 21, 2010

6wS: Mommy's Boob: Baby's Bed AND Breakfast


  1. so true, really cute. You don't see the profit now, but it's really the most excellent investment you can make for his future.

  2. Wow, this is gutsy, but I wish it wasn't. Breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. Kids need to eat! No reason to hide that. I've heard it's painful to breastfeed, though. I'm glad you enjoy this bond.

  3. Now THAT is a look of satisfaction.

  4. loveable_homebody: Breastfeeding should not hurt MUCH; my lactation consultant said when baby latches on, you may feel pain the first 30-60 seconds, but then it should go away -- if baby's latched on correctly... which my guy wasn't. So we had some very painful sessions, but it's gotten better now.

    Also, I think it depends on how sensitive the woman's nipples are to begin with; for some women it doesn't hurt at all, but if you have sensitive nipples it'll hurt more (or you'll feel more uncomfortable, at least at the beginning).
