Thursday, June 04, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I haven't done this in a while... let's see if we can keep it up now.

I'm thankful for...
  • the last day of school. EVER.
  • finishing my dissertation and finally getting that monkey off my back.
  • editing my novel (guilt-free!)
  • my kittehs, even when they bug me in the morning.
  • the sunroof on my car.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I'm thankful for my health. I had a nasty bout with a weird illness (vertigo) this week. I am also grateful for the last day of school, although only for the summer for me. I am thankful for long summer days I'm going to spend writing.

  2. I'm thankful for a wife that thinks like an editor. She's going to make my book so much better!

    what are your plans now that teaching is done?

  3. I was just wondering when you'd be done with school, and if it was over yet or not.

    I'm thankful for grandparents who get here in a week! Yay!

  4. Aye, there's the rub... I don't have any post-teaching plans. Okay, I have plans -- I plan on getting a job. I just haven't gotten hired yet.

    Monday will begin a week of packing (dudes are coming over to replace the water-damaged carpet with classy fake-wood) and frantically sending out my resume.

    For now, I'm basking in the joy of SCHOOL'S OUT and editing my novel.
